
Millions paid for South African Art & Antiques

8 Oct 2009

If the price of art and antiques is anything to go by, South Africa is fast coming out of it’s recession.

At an auction conducted in Cape Town tonight by Strauss & Co., a new record price of R1 058 million was achieved for an 18th century Cape coromandel buffet, a new record price for a piece of South African furniture at auction. A pair of Georgian silver wine coolers by Paul Storr, sold for R1.6 million.

It was however South African paintings that stole the show, with four paintings by Irma Stern selling for over R16 million, the highest price being for a portrait which fetched R5.57 million. Other artists whose paintings sold for over 1 million were Wolf Kibel and Jean Welz each realising R1.225 million respectively.

The auction realised a total of R39 million.