
Kruger on the Station

7 Sep 2013

According to tradition this is a representation of the old President as he witnessed the departure of the first Boer commandos from Pretoria station to the front in Natal. …

Anton van Wouw – Kruger on the Station

In the best Massa castings of this small sculpture, it is again the fine detail which impresses the beholder: the texture and neat row of buttons on the waistcoat, the pocket watch and chain, the coat buttons on the back of his frock coat and the finish of the face, especially the bags beneath the eyes of the President, the sparse beard, the crooked pipe in the mouth and his well-shaped ears. The light brown patina of the Massa castings heightens Van Wouw’s use of light effects to emphasise certain forms.

There are relatively few castings of this small sculpture and Van Wouw seems to have made them with the approaching Voortrekker centennial in 1938 in view. Duffey gives the date of sculpture as 1937, citing Dr MJ Cohen’s book on the sculptor published in 1938 in which he describes Van Wouw at work on this sculpture.

Text by Emma Bedford

Anton van Wouw
Kruger on the Station
inscribed ‘S.J.P. KRUGER’, and bears the foundry mark: G. MASSA. ROMA
bronze with a dark brown patina, mounted on a wooden base
height: 32,5cm, excluding wooden base, 3,5cm high
R 220,000 – 300,000

Media Liaison:
Bina Genovese, Executive Director +27 (0) 21 683 6560 / +27 (0) 78 044 8185

Important South African Art & Furniture, Decorative Arts & Jewellery
including The Dr Johan Bolt Cape Collection

Monday 21 October 2013
Session 1 at 10am
Session 2 at 1.30 pm
Session 3 at 3.30pm
Session 4 at 5.30pm
Session 5 at 8pm

The Vineyard Hotel, Newlands
Colinton Road (off Protea Road)

GPS Co-ordinates: S 33° 58’ 44.6” E 18° 27’ 31.1”

Friday 18 to Sunday 20 October 10am to 5pm

Conducted by Stephan Welz and Emma Bedford
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