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Alyson Guy

South African 1946- 

Since June 2014, Alyson Guy has participated in the Hermanus Fynarts Festival. Artworks can also be seen at Guy's studio on the farm, Volmoed, in Hemel-en-Aarde where she lives and works. Working mainly in oils and acrylics, her portfolio ranges from portraits, flowers, landscapes, and felines to sculpture, murals, and more recently chalk art. Alyson's work can be found in many South African private collections and collections in Australia, Holland, Dubai, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Recent years have brought her renewed energy to explore different areas, mainly an appreciation of life, beauty, and God’s creation in all its diversity. Guy teaches private classes from her studio in her spare time.

We have not offered any works by Alyson Guy at auction

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