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Beau Disundi Nzazi

Congolese 1993- 

Beau Disundi obtained his degree in interior design from the Kinshasa Academy of Fine Arts, DRC, in 2016. During his studies, Disundi questioned his identity and how other cultures influenced his own, which gave rise to his artistic practice. His explorations, particularly of cultural roots in Belgium, led him to investigate not only the history of the Congo but of all peoples influenced or dominated by external cultures. Disundi’s work aims to convey the perception of a person in this liminal space: a person prey to acculturation and alienation. To better understand his experience, Disundi materializes the links between his identity, historical events, and global dynamics. His works perform artistic and literary means of expression to create forms that go beyond these disciplines, blurring the boundaries between sculpture, architecture, and image. Through his creations, Disundi refers to subjects that inhabit multicultural spaces. His work reveals multiple co-existing spaces, inviting the world to travel within them to experience other points of view.

Image courtesy of Latitudes Online.

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