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Betinho Mokwane

South African 1995- 

Born in Soweto, Gauteng, Betinho Mokwane is currently completing his third year at the Artist Proof Studio. Mokwane is an active member of the APS student body and has been involved in numerous corporate commissions – translating the medium of printmaking into relief carved mural works with the Special Projects team. With an interest in combination printing, in particular, monotype, screenprinting, etching and linocut, Mokwane has extended his skillset into a range of designs that he then silkscreens onto t-shirts as a business. Mokwane has exhibited with the Artist Proof Studio in collaboration with Strauss & Co at the Turbine Art Fair (2018/19), The Legacy exhibition (2019) as well as the Joburg Art Fair (2019). He was awarded the Ubuntu Student Award from the Artist Proof Studio in 2020 (voted by the artists at APS).

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