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Bonface Cele

South African 1970 - 

Bonface Cele, born in 1970, is a skilled artist specializing in crafting traditional Zulu pieces from Eshowe, KZN. In 1990, he relocated to Durban. Although he observed his grandfather creating wire ukhamba bowls during his upbringing, it wasn't until 2014 that Cele made the bold decision to leave his truck driver job and fully embrace the path of an artist. Demonstrating an exceptional level of self-motivation, Cele redefined the concept of being 'self-taught' during an intensive 11-month period of self-training and practice at his residence in KwaMashu. His artistic inspiration draws from the diverse cultures of the countries he visited while working as a truck driver, including Tunisia, DRC, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho. Cele takes pride in his ability to create original patterns and unique color combinations in his work.

We have not offered any works by Bonface Cele at auction

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