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Cecily Sash

South African 1924-2019 

Cecily Sash was a founding member of the famed Amadlozi Group, along with Cecil Skotnes, Edoardo Villa, Sydney Kumalo and Giuseppe Cattaneo, represented by gallerist Egon Guenther. She trained under Maurice van Essche at the Wits Technical College Art School and later studied in London with Henry Moore at Chelsea Polytechnic and Victor Pasmore at the Camberwell School of Art. She taught at Jeppe High School for Girls and the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg before settling in the UK in the mid 1970s. She exhibited regularly both in South Africa and abroad, and took on a number of prestigious commissions including major mosaic murals for the Transvaal Provincial Administration Building (1963) and Jan Smuts Airport (1968). She showed work at the São Paulo Biennale (1963 and 1967), as well as the Venice Biennale (1964), and moved comfortably between linear objectivity, material experimentation, and bold, decorative abstraction.

131 lots offered      66.41% sold      ZAR 3 494 602

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Cecily Sash; Menacing Bird
18 Sep 2023
Starting at ZAR 30 000
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Cecily Sash; Backing Off IV
28 Jun 2022
Starting at ZAR 30 000
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Cecily Sash; Spring Onion I; Spring Onion II; Kolrabi; Bottle Top; Iron, five
27 Sep 2021
Starting at ZAR 4 000
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Cecily Sash; Fish with Garlic and Peppers
17 May 2021
Starting at ZAR 50 000
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Cecily Sash; Still Lifes with Vessels, six
1 Jun 2020
Starting at ZAR 4 000
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