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Deborah Poynton

South African 1970- 

A South African artist best known for her hyper-realistic yet dream-like contemporary paintings. After graduating from Rhode Island School of Design (1989), Poynton developed her career as an artist working primarily in oil on canvas. She has held numerous solo exhibitions both locally and abroad. Most notably her first US solo exhibition at the Savannah College of Art and Design's galleries in Savannah and Atlanta in 2009; a survey of 25 years of her painting, titled Model for a World, shown at The New Church Museum, Cape Town, in mid-2014; and twelve solo exhibitions at Stevenson Gallery. Poynton will be presented at the Drents Museum with a survey exhibition Beyond Belief at the Drents Museum, Assen, Netherlands, in 2021.

We have not offered any works by Deborah Poynton at auction

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