
From Albert Adams to Portia Zvavahera, Strauss & Co maintains a detailed database of every artist sold at auction since 2009. Whether it is painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, ceramics or new media, this searchable database lists by artist every lot offered and provides aggregated data useful to collectors. Famous South African artists like William Kentridge, JH Pierneef, Alexis Preller and Irma Stern are introduced with helpful biographies along with the best contemporary artists.

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Elias Mung’ora

Kenya 1992- 

After briefly studying Real Estate and Property Management, Mung’ora decided to pursue a career in the visual arts. While painting is his primary medium, he works across printmaking, drawing, woodcuts and photography. His paintings are based on transfers and assemblages based on direct observation and photography, as a way of mapping and understanding Nairobi, a city he was not born in but came to learn once he moved there almost a decade ago.” The idea of having visual elements coming in and out of focus in the paintings develops out of observing the tension between the more apparent qualities of the Nairobi and the underlying structural realities of the city. There is also a fictive quality to the work I make. I don’t know the people who inhabited the spaces I’m looking at or the everyday events in those areas, and so I am, very much, imagining and making it up as I go along.”

Mung’ora a member of Brush-Tu Artist Collective in Nairobi and was a top 10 finalist for the Barclays L'atelier 2017 competition.

3 lots offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 59 798

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Elias Mung’ora; 1 O'clock News
19 Oct 2020
Sold for ZAR 41 038
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Elias Mung’ora; Wedding Book, Series 2
19 Oct 2020
Sold for ZAR 9 380
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Elias Mung’ora; Wedding Book, Series 1
19 Oct 2020
Sold for ZAR 9 380
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT