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Emna Kahouaji

Tunisia 1991 

Emna is the daughter of Houcine Kahouaji (1959-2017) a leading Tunisian poet and playwright and grew up surrounded by rhythms of verses and other prose of her father and the creative environment in their native city of Kairouan. A career in art was a natural choice.

Having finished her BFA at After obtaining her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting at ISBAT (Tunis Institute of Fine Arts) in 2014, Kahouaji also began a Masters in Traditional Heritage at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences on April 9 (FSHS) April 9.

Since completing her BFA, she regularly participates in group exhibitions, particularly at the Aire libre of El Teatro (Variations des sens, Art Neuf, Le retour, Autour d'Antigone), Palais Kheireddine, Palais Abdelia as well as taking visual art workshops for children and collaborating on animated films, notably Briska by Nadia Rais, which won the jury prize at the 2017 Chouftouhouna Festival.

Much of Emna’s work is inspired by her father’s poetry and is visual conversation with word and thoughts and symbols as a bridge between the two artistic disciplines. ?In 2019, her held her first solo exhibition "AZAL" (Eternity) at the Galerie AIRE LIBRE in El Teatro in Tunis.

We have not offered any works by Emna Kahouaji at auction

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