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Ernest Ullmann

South African 1900-1975 

Born in Munich in 1900, Ernest Ullmann was an artist from a young age. As a teenager during WWI, he was appointed as assistant-artist to the director of the Anthropological Institute of the University of Munich. Upon the end of the war and after graduating from school, he enrolled in the university’s Department of History of Art and Philosophy and later attended the Academy of Fine Arts to study drawing and sculpture. He worked as an illustrator and editor for Auslandpost in Munich and then as an art director at Mitropa-Zeitung in Berlin. As restrictions on Jewish life became stricter in Germany, Ullmann left the country in 1935 and moved to South Africa to join his sister. He settled in Johannesburg and soon became the art director of a new magazine, The Forum. Aside from working in publishing (he also co-founded a publishing company called Silver Leaf Books), Ullmann worked in many other mediums – often as public commissions, including painting, drawing, sculpture, tapestry, and murals. He was also a set and exhibition designer and even created a range of stuffed toys. Another of Ullmann’s enduring legacies is his love of nature, and the farm where he lived in the Morningside suburb of Johannesburg is now a public park that bears his name and houses many of his sculptures.

36 lots offered      47.22% sold      ZAR 99 117

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Ernest Ullmann; The Toast
30 Jul 2014
ZAR 700 - 1 000
Ernest Ullmann; Jovial Figures
30 Jul 2014
ZAR 1 000 - 2 000
Ernest Ullmann; The Filling Station
30 Jul 2014
ZAR 6 000 - 9 000
Ernest Ullmann; Dancing Couples
30 Jul 2014
ZAR 2 800 - 3 500
Ernest Ullmann; Ostrich with Egg
30 Jul 2014
Sold for ZAR 3 513
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Ernest Ullmann; Still Life with Aubergine, Fruit and Vessel
30 Jul 2014
ZAR 9 000 - 12 000
Ernest Ullmann; Dancing Couples
23 Apr 2014
ZAR 3 000 - 5 000
Ernest Ullmann; Ostrich with Egg
23 Apr 2014
ZAR 4 000 - 6 000
Ernest Ullmann; Best Friends
15 Nov 2013
ZAR 12 000 - 16 000
Ernest Ullmann; Ostrich with Egg
15 Nov 2013
ZAR 5 000 - 7 000
Ernest Ullmann; The Boatmen
7 Nov 2011
ZAR 3 000 - 5 000
Ernest Ullmann; Three Graces
15 Mar 2010
ZAR 7 000 - 10 000