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Franklin Aembe Mokili

Congolese 1977- 

Franklin Aembe, a Congolese social critic and painter, was born in Kinshasa. He displayed a keen interest in art from an early age by copying images that he saw into his drawing book. After school, he attended l’Académie des Beaux-Arts in Kinshasa, where he graduated in Visual Art. After obtaining his degree, he spent many years developing his style and technique by integrating stylisation with figurative and non-figurative elements.

Franklin Aembe’s artistic approach and philosophy explore the intersection of natural rights and human rights. His canvases evoke subjects of determination, passion for a profession, fundamental values of ethics, professional duties and obligations, and humanism. Aembe advocates for the rule of law through visual art, removing anti-values, impunity, and influence peddling by those who have political power.

Aembe addresses the issue of objectivity by approaching his painting as a lawyer would approach his work, with ethical and professional responsibility, objectively giving voice to the voiceless. Through his paintings, he explores human rights from the angle of customary law and the defenders of basic human rights and their organisations. He focuses on the marginalisation of women who face gender-based violence and inequality within their homes and professional lives and reminds adults and governments around the world to protect and care for children.

Aembe has exhibited regularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

We have not offered any works by Franklin Aembe Mokili at auction

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