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Gary Van Wyk

South African 1960- 

South African photographer Gary van Wyk’s career began with an internship at Independent Newspapers in 2003; a position that soon turned full-time. He has since worked both independently and at other media outlets, which has afforded him the opportunity to travel widely and photograph many notable people – including Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Opera Winfrey. He was the principal photographer for the third season of 21 Icons, a project inspired by Mandela that photographs remarkable individuals who have positively impacted the world around them. Van Wyk’s works are intimate portraits of places and people – often his own family – in both colour and black and white photography.

Along with his works appearing in numerous local and international publications, he has participated in group and solo exhibitions.

We have not offered any works by Gary Van Wyk at auction

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