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George Donald

Scottish 1943- 

George Donald is a Scottish painter, printmaker, and lecturer in studio arts who was born in Ootacamund, South India. He obtained his degree in Drawing and Painting from Edinburgh College of Art in 1967 and further studied art education at Hornsey College of Art in London from 1969 to 1970. In 1980, Donald received his Master’s degree in philosophy and education from the University of Edinburgh. He lectured in Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking at the Edinburgh College of Art from 1970 until his retirement in 2000. Additionally, Donald has shared his expertise as a visiting lecturer at various universities worldwide, including in China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Spain, and the United States of America. He is a figurative artist whose extensive travels have influenced his work.

Donald is an elected member of the Royal Scottish Academy and Royal Scottish Society of Watercolourists and has exhibited in numerous solo and group shows throughout his career. His work is held in acclaimed public collections such as the National Galleries of Scotland; University of Edinburgh, Scotland; Glasgow University, Scotland; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK; The British Broadcasting Corporation; and the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA.

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