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Haidee Nel

South African 1977- 

Haidee Nel skilfully alchemizes the shadowy sides of life into beautiful closed-eyed and barefoot child sculptures as one of her signature pieces. She graduated from the University of Cape Town with BFA Honours plus the Dean’s Merit List Award for academic performance. As a multiple award-winning artist, she is included in numerous private and public collections. Her work has been included in international art fairs, such as the Kunst Zürich, Brussels Art Fair, AKAA Art Fair in Paris, Mad Art Auction in London, and Les Couleurs Charity Auction in New York, and at galleries such as Uitstalling Gallery in Belgium and MAD ART Gallery in Poland. Haidee has participated in over 90 group shows and ten major solo exhibitions, mainly in Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Belgium.

We have not offered any works by Haidee Nel at auction

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