
From Albert Adams to Portia Zvavahera, Strauss & Co maintains a detailed database of every artist sold at auction since 2009. Whether it is painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, ceramics or new media, this searchable database lists by artist every lot offered and provides aggregated data useful to collectors. Famous South African artists like William Kentridge, JH Pierneef, Alexis Preller and Irma Stern are introduced with helpful biographies along with the best contemporary artists.

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Hasan Essop and Husain Essop

South African 1985- 

Hasan and Husain Essop, born and raised in Cape Town, graduated from the University of Cape Town’s Michaelis School of Fine Art in 2007, where they studied photography and printmaking. Twin brothers and collaborators, their work constitutes performance-based photographs that interrogate the notions of place, identity, and religion – particularly that of Islam in Western culture. As Muslims, the representation of the human form is forbidden. Therefore, the brothers place themselves in front of the camera, thus putting this burden solely on them.

In 2009, the Essops held a residency in Cuba that coincided with their participation in the Havana Biennale. They have exhibited widely, including at the Dakar Biennale (2010) and in Figures and Fictions: Contemporary South African Photography at London’s V&A Museum (2011). In 2014, they received the Standard Bank Young Artist Award. Their work forms part of several public collections, including The Walther Collection, The Iziko South African National Gallery, and the Deutsche and Standard Bank collections.

25 lots offered      40.00% sold      ZAR 263 164

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Hasan Essop and Husain Essop; Thornton Road, 2008
16 Mar 2015
Sold for ZAR 45 472
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT