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Henry Davies

South African 1944- 

Henry Davies’ refined, vanguard sculpture, in a range of woods including meranti, imbuia, Rhodesian teak, yellowwood and jelutong, indicates a familiarity with the work of Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore and Constantin Brâncusi. Davies trained at the University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg (1963-1968), a mid-century hotbed of modernism, where two of his most notable contemporaries, stylistically at least, were Peter Schütz and Keith Alexander. Davies taught in Salisbury in the then Rhodesia before returning to his alma mater as a lecturer in 1972. He retired from the university in 1999. Davies participated in numerous group exhibitions and has works in a number of public and private collections in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom. The list of students who were at some point under his sway is long and impressive and includes, among many others, Juliet Armstrong, Walter Oltmann, Jeremy Wafer, Ian Calder, Virginia Mackenny and Bronwen Findlay.

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