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Horace Ascher Brodzky

Australian 1885 - 1969 

Horace Ascher Brodzky was born in Melbourne, Australia as the second son to Australian journalist Maurice Brodzky. He attended the National Gallery School and further honed his skills at the City and Guilds of London Art School in Kensington, UK in 1911, while also exploring Rome, Naples, and Sicily alongside American poet John Gould Fletcher. His work flourished in England, exhibiting from 1911 to 1915 and he became a member of the London Group. Brodzky displayed remarkable versatility, engaging in various artistic pursuits, including painting, woodcuts, etchings, theatre design, art editing, and journalism. His work ranged from well-known etchings such as From Bryant Park (1917), to intimate drypoints. Brodzky’s woodcuts and linocuts often conveyed socialist themes, while his etchings and drypoints explored landscapes and nudes.

We have not offered any works by Horace Ascher Brodzky at auction

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