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Ingrid Weiersbye

British/Zimbabwean 1945- 

Ingrid Weiersbye was born in London, England, in 1945. She grew up in Zimbabwe and was deeply influenced by the nature and wildlife found there. This upbringing led her to become a wildlife artist and she has been painting and exhibiting professionally for over forty years. Weiersbye is particularly known for her work as an illustrator for bird guides, such as Roberts Bird Guide, a stalwart for any Southern African birder. Additionally, she is a Trustee on the board of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund and has published in ornithological journals. Weiersbye has held several solo exhibitions and has participated in shows such as the Society of Wildlife Artists in London and the British Birdwatching Show.

We have not offered any works by Ingrid Weiersbye at auction

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