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Isabella Maake

South African 1995- 

Isabella Maake (b. 1995) is a South African visual artist who uses her practice to explore identity, dualism, and vulnerability. Profoundly deaf from a young age, she turned to art as her primary form of expression. After earning a degree in Graphic Design, she worked as an award-winning graphic journalist for Media24, including being named 2020 Graphic Journalist of the Year.

Maake’s work spans painting, photography, sculpture, and interactive sound installations, examining the “in-betweenness” that mirrors her experience as a deaf person. Her art has been showcased at the 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair in London and in her hometown of Polokwane.

In 2023, she was awarded the prestigious Chevening Scholarship and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in fine art at Oxford. Her recent work, centred around the symbolic use of blue, reflects her continuous exploration of colour, form, and human complexity.

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