
From Albert Adams to Portia Zvavahera, Strauss & Co maintains a detailed database of every artist sold at auction since 2009. Whether it is painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, ceramics or new media, this searchable database lists by artist every lot offered and provides aggregated data useful to collectors. Famous South African artists like William Kentridge, JH Pierneef, Alexis Preller and Irma Stern are introduced with helpful biographies along with the best contemporary artists.

Value your Art?Do you know the value of your Art?

Izanne Wiid

South African 1989- 

Working with found objects and raw material, such as steel, marble, as well as wood, wax and resin, is as once as self-serving, medicinal and inspiring, as is the appreciation of the ultimate final art object.

The sensuality of admiring art is at the origin of our collective creative memory. The instinctive recognition of the barbaric, animalistic within the stripped potential of the object of my artwork(s) can unwittingly open a floodgate of unbridled and rampant ‘sense-ual’ experiences.

And what is not to be admired through want of touch alone.

My love of life as the cycle in its entirety, my observation and understanding of nature and the passion of her spirit, do not influence me to try to interpret and portray; my work merely represents as it is presented.

Pure, raw, energetic, uncompromising, intrepid, never tactile in approach.
I speak as I am spoken to, I give what has been given unto me, neither apology, translation or censorship can be expected.

My sculptures inspire the urge to explore and savour the inherent taboo of reaching out and engaging, the daring thrill of claiming a piece for the personal experience: unfettered self-indulgence.

My subject of my dissertation in partial fulfilment for my degree was: ‘A transgressive, subjective, erotic journey of the flesh in sacrifice and love’

We have not offered any works by Izanne Wiid at auction

Please contact us if you have any further enquiries.