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Jake Aikman

South African 1978- 

London-born Jake Aikman earned his Master of Fine Art degree from the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town. In recent years, Aikman has participated in several local and international group and solo exhibitions – among them the major 2009 exhibition, L’Anima del Acqua: The Spirit of Water, sponsored by the Italian government and presented at the Ca’ d’Oro palace as part of the 53rd Venice Biennale. Aikman was also an invited artist to the 4th Beijing International Art Biennale in 2010, and in 2012 participated in the Olympic Fine Arts Exhibition, Creative Cities Collection, held at the Barbican Centre in London. SMAC Art Gallery hosted Aikman’s first major solo exhibition, Echoes, in 2009, followed by Proximity in 2011. The exhibition At the Quiet Limit presented in Stellenbosch in 2013 saw Aikman continue his iconic seascapes, while also setting out in a different direction with a new series depicting remote coastlines and dense forests.

We have not offered any works by Jake Aikman at auction

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