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Jenny Nijenhuis

South African 1969- 

Jenny Nijenhuis holds a BFA from the University of the Witwatersrand. Nijenhuis’ practice centres around interconnectedness to reveal the binary relationship between violence and vulnerability. Her 2022 Resonance installation was mounted at the Constitution Hill Women’s Jail in Johannesburg to contemplate the escalation in gender-based violence during COVID-19 lockdowns. Her 2016 SA’s Dirty Laundry highlighted our rape crisis through a washing line installation on Johannesburg’s streets, from which hung 3600 used panties donated by rape survivors. Her enormous flag made from this underwear was flown upside down to signal distress from the South African High Commission in Trafalgar Square, UK in 2019. In the same year, she was invited to be the keynote speaker on the empowerment of women at Cornell University in New York. Nijenhuis is a Sasol New Signatures, PPC Imaginarium, and Lovell Tranyr Art Trophy finalist.

We have not offered any works by Jenny Nijenhuis at auction

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