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Jody Paulsen

South African 1987- 

Jody Paulsen’s debut solo exhibition, Pushing Thirty, was a vivid showcase of his maximalist approach to composition that included 21 of his signature felt collages. A method perfected at the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, Paulsen’s brash ensemble pieces intermix references from pop culture, fashion, and cartoons, and often include additional text slogans demonstrating his media literacy and/or discussing his mixed-race queer identity. Paulsen credits artists Cameron Platter and Julia Rosa Clark for inspiring him to pursue an installation-based approach to displaying his work. Paulsen’s collages invite comparisons with Jeremy Deller’s processional banners and Tracey Emin’s quilts, although, attitudinally at least, his work is closer to Andy Warhol in its love affair with consumer culture. Paulsen’s interest in fashion is pronounced: he collaborates with designer Adriaan Kuiters on a fashion range, which has been lauded by Vogue Italia, among others.

Paulsen’s work has been featured in exhibitions such as Materiality at Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town (2020); Radical Love at the Ford Foundation Gallery, New York City, NY, USA (2019); and All Things Being Equal at Zeitz MOCAA, Cape Town (2017).

5 lots offered      20.00% sold      ZAR 159 152

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Jody Paulsen; Donatelle ver-jay-zee
25 Jun 2024
Starting at ZAR 100 000
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