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Joe Finch

British 1947- 

"British potter Joe Finch makes pots for everyday use: dishes, bowls, jugs and plates, pots for cooking and serving food, vases for flowers. Practical, unassuming, stoneware ceramics. His pots are ‘raw-glazed’ then ‘once fired’ in a large wood burning kiln that he designed and built himself.

He started his pottery career in 1964 with a four year apprenticeship training under his father Ray Finch at Winchcombe Pottery. Whilst learning the more obvious skills such as throwing, glazing and firing, he developed a natural eye for strong, functional forms, and the flexibility to produce pots that people will both want and be able to afford. All these factors are still paramount in his work.

In 1968 he travelled to Africa where he was sponsored to establish Kolonyama Pottery, Lesotho’s first studio pottery. In 18 months, with his wife Trudi’s help, a large oil fired kiln was built, blunger, filter-press, wheels, etc. installed. Clays and glazes tested, local staff trained and three major exhibitions held.

On their return Joe and Trudi worked again at Winchcombe until 1973 when they moved to Appin in North West Scotland to set up their own pottery and eventually to West Wales. Joe’s ongoing love of and fascination with wood firing is characteristic of his work."

Biographical information obtained from the artist’s website

1 lot offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 3 518

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Joe Finch; Jug
23 Nov 2020
Sold for ZAR 3 518
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT