
From Albert Adams to Portia Zvavahera, Strauss & Co maintains a detailed database of every artist sold at auction since 2009. Whether it is painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, ceramics or new media, this searchable database lists by artist every lot offered and provides aggregated data useful to collectors. Famous South African artists like William Kentridge, JH Pierneef, Alexis Preller and Irma Stern are introduced with helpful biographies along with the best contemporary artists.

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John Leask Nowers

South African 1940-1995 

Born in Klerksdorp, Nowers attended Milner High School, after which he enrolled at the Michaelis School of Art in Cape Town, graduating in 1962. He went to London and worked as a publisher's assistant at Thames and Hudson and during this time became interested in ceramics. He and Hylton Nel became well-known in England for their quirky, imaginative sculpture, selling to Maceys, New York, and the Hudson Bay Company in Detroit. Nowers then returned to Cape Town in the 1970s, exhibiting his work at numerous galleries and museums. Nowers established a reputation as an outstanding ceramic artist, and in 1985 was offered a position as lecturer at Michaelis School of Art, where he taught until his death.

12 lots offered      91.67% sold      ZAR 60 619

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John Leask Nowers; Vessel with abstract motifs
16 Sep 2024
Starting at ZAR 4 000
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