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Julius Mfethe

South African 1956-2008 

Julius Napaqu Mfete was born in Mtweni near Port St Johns on 15 July 1956. He came from a long line of talented craftsmen and women, his father and two brothers were specialist grass weavers.

After a stint working on the platinum mines in Rustenberg, which he did not enjoy, he returned to Port St Johns to continue with his life’s passion of carving his small, meticulous sculptures. Sourcing wood from the local forests around him and developing his own set of tools, Mfete used his powers of observation to create delicate, small, smooth textured, finely detailed sculptures which depicted the lives of the animals and people around him.

His work is housed in many local and international collections.


1992 Wood Carvers of Natal African Art Centre

1997 FNB Vita Awards exhibition Award Winner 1st Prize

1998 Solo Exhibition Tatham Art Gallery Pietermaritzburg

2006 Solo Exhibition at the African Art Centre Durban.

We have not offered any works by Julius Mfethe at auction

Please contact us if you have any further enquiries.