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Cuban 1970- 

KCHO, born Alexis Leiva Machado, is a Cuban artist working in sculpture and mixed media. He is best known for his depictions of boats and boat-like forms inspired by his childhood spent sailing and fishing. His work is creating using recycled materials salvaged from docks such as bottles and lumber.

He earned his BA in fine arts from the National School of Fine Arts in Havana and developed his practice towards conceptualism, citing Bruce Nauman as a major inspiration. He first gained international attention when he won the grand prize at South Korea's Gwangju Biennale in 1995. Today, KCHO's works can be found in in the collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, The Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.

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Kcho; (Untitled) Tyre Suspended from a Pole
22 Oct 2024
Starting at ZAR 20 000
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