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Keiskamma Art Project

South African 21st Century 

Founded in 2000, the Keiskamma Art Project in Hamburg, Eastern Cape, produces exquisite textile works, beadwork and wireworks which provide income and other forms of essential support for many families in the area through its cohesive network of women and youth. In particular, in the twenty years since its launch, the project has created a rich oeuvre of tapestries that allow viewers to enter into the conversations of a community of Xhosa women using art as a medium of expression and healing. Their works aid in the archiving of Eastern Cape rural collective memory and the preservation of oral history. The first of their monumental works, the Keiskamma Tapestry, is a large-scale work that was inspired by the famous Bayeux tapestry. It records aspects of the history of South Africa, with a focus on the Eastern Cape, over its 120 metres of length. It now forms part of the Parliament Collection in Cape Town. Other significant works are the Keiskamma Guernica, a South African reinterpretation of Pablo Picasso’s 1937 Guernica, and the Keiskamma Altarpiece, which takes Matthias Grünewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece (dating from between 1512 and 1516) as its starting point.

The embroideries are a form of storytelling, symbolic micro-histories through which we are given privileged insight into the life of a community at once fragile and resilient. Making art through decades of extreme poverty, and the ravages of HIV/AIDS and Covid-19, the Keiskamma artists weave narratives of hope, at once documenting and transcending the harsh conditions in which their intricate tapestries are created.

The Keiskamma Art Project will be presenting a retrospective exhibition at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, in 2022, which will give the Keiskamma artists’ work the prominent place it deserves, not only in the public imagination, but in the art-historical canon.

16 lots offered      75.00% sold      ZAR 136 597

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Keiskamma Art Project; Aloes, three
8 Jul 2024
Sold for ZAR 7 622
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Keiskamma Art Project; Solom (sic), Linda and the Evening Birds
10 Jul 2023
Sold for ZAR 32 830
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Keiskamma Art Project; Irises
10 Jul 2023
Sold for ZAR 3 752
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Keiskamma Art Project; Botanical Composition
10 Jul 2023
Sold for ZAR 4 104
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Keiskamma Art Project; The Marriage of Nolulama and Luthando
1 Jun 2022
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Keiskamma Art Project; Portrait of Gaba Vuyisile Funda
1 Jun 2022
Starting at ZAR 18 000
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Keiskamma Art Project; Portrait of Susan Koloso Paliso
1 Jun 2022
Starting at ZAR 18 000
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Keiskamma Art Project; Canterbury, from the Sin of Omission series
1 Jun 2022
Sold for ZAR 21 105
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Keiskamma Art Project; Proteas
1 Jun 2022
Sold for ZAR 4 690
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Keiskamma Art Project; White Flowers in a Vase
1 Jun 2022
Sold for ZAR 5 628
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Keiskamma Art Project; Composition with Pink Flowers
1 Jun 2022
Sold for ZAR 4 690
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Keiskamma Art Project; Irises in a Vase
1 Jun 2022
Sold for ZAR 7 622
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT