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Lindani Nyandeni

South African 1992- 

Lindani Nyandeni (born 1992, Durban) is a graduate of the BAT Centre in Durban. After completing a course in textile printing at the ELC Art and Craft Centre at Rorke’s Drift, KwaZulu-Natal, in 2016, he participated in an artist exchange convened by artist Malin Sellmann in the region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. He has participated in various mentorship programmes, including Velobala at the Durban University of Technology (2016), as well as a two-year professional mentorship with artists Sthenjwa Luthuli and Wonder Buhle Mbambo (2018-20). Nyandeni is a capable draughtsman with an acute interest in the human figure. Nyandeni’s recent expressionist portraiture is characterised by his active paint technique (drips and splatters abound) and signature swirling eyes. Increasingly recognised internationally, in 2022 he was one of four Tilga Art Fund recipients.

We have not offered any works by Lindani Nyandeni at auction

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