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Lindokuhle Khumalo

South African 1995- 

Lindokuhle Khumalo is a graduate of the BAT Centre in Durban. He completed a course in textile printing at the ELC Art and Craft Centre at Rorke’s Drift, KwaZulu-Natal in 2016. Proficient in charcoal and acrylic, he has since 2020 settled on a pop figurative style of rendering his black subjects in unmixed and contrasting colours. His works frequently depict his younger sisters. “Being raised by wonderful women made me realise how they positively impacted me to become the man I am today,” Khumalo has said.1 His work has been widely exhibited internationally, notably in Amersfoort, London and Paris, and forms part a large collection of contemporary African art assembled by Dutch collectors Carla and Pieter Schulting.

1. Carla Schulting & Lara Stolwerk (eds) (2023) Africa Supernova, Amersfoort: Kunsthal KAdE, page 222.

We have not offered any works by Lindokuhle Khumalo at auction

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