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Louis Olivier

South African 1976 

Louis Olivier is a sculptor and the owner of a fine art bronze foundry and bespoke furniture fabrication company based in Johannesburg. - He works in various media such as sculpture, drawing and installations. At the heart of Olivier’s praxis is the human figure. His work aims to reinterpret and deconstruct the human form and investigate the fragments individually. Stripping the form of unnecessary details, what follows is a reconfiguration of structure with a variety of materials, using the physical environment as a playground. The human form is reassembled within a contained space. By searching for symbols that relate to genetic memory and experience, his figures depict not so much outward resemblance or the known, but rather mystic memory and embodiment. He is not interested in the exterior figure, but in what fills the interior, especially the hidden sections of the body and soul. The mystery of the unknown is an important part of the interrogation and it is only when the piece has been completely reworked that the answer can be found.

We have not offered any works by Louis Olivier at auction

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