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Louise Hall

South African 1960- 

Based in Pietermaritzburg , and currently Academic Leader of the Centre for Visual Art at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Louise Hall completed a Practice-led PhD in 2013. Her doctoral research delved into the conundrum of drawing and its role in the artist’s life, with figurative images in paint and drawing media exploring journeying, transition, impermanence and change. Hall’s work explores the syntax of painting and drawing, and all her work evolves through iterative drawing which manifests a characteristic layered graphic line and mark making.
In addition to her current portfolio of art making, academic management, teaching, supervision and research, Louise Hall has art teaching experience at high school and adult education levels and has worked in the development facilitation context in KwaZulu-Natal. She was a founder member of DWEBA, an NGO that worked with rural craftswomen and developed a participatory training methodology using drawing as a central component. This methodology was published as a resource guide in 2001 entitled "Drawing our Lives".
Hall has exhibited in both solo and group shows both nationally and internationally, and her work is represented in private and public collections overseas and in South Africa, including Ellerman House Contemporary Collection in Cape Town and Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg.

9 lots offered      22.22% sold      ZAR 9 967

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Louise Hall; Becoming XVII
12 Aug 2024
Starting at ZAR 10 000
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