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Maurice Sijs

Belgian 1880-1972 

Maurice Sijs (alternatively ‘Sys’) was a Belgian Impressionist and Post-Impressionist from Ghent. He attended the Art Academy at Gand from 1893 to 1900, where he met the brothers Leon and Gustave De Smet; the latter would become one of the founders of Belgian Expressionism. In 1905, Sijs joined the Second Group of Sint-Martens-Latem, an artists’ colony, where he lived along with the brothers De Smet, Frits van den Berghe, George Minne, and Gustave Van de Woestyne. From 1907, he travelled through Belgium, France, and the Netherlands – for some years on a houseboat named ‘’t Nest’ – before re-settling in Ghent in 1923. Sijs is known for his paintings depicting portraits, landscapes, fishing boats, and small harbours.

We have not offered any works by Maurice Sijs at auction

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