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Mia Chaplin

South African 1990- 

Mia Chaplin is a South African painter and sculptor born in 1990. She is a graduate of the University of Cape Town’s Michaelis School of Fine Art, receiving her Bachelor of Fine Art in 2011. Chaplin’s paintings are primarily in oil on canvas and paper, while her sculptures are in bronze or plaster. Her works feature heavy impasto with noticeable brushstrokes in the paint. This tactile technique was challenged in Chaplin’s sojourn into printmaking, a flat medium, through a series of monotypes with Warren Editions and two screen prints with 50ty/50ty. Her works are soft and intimate still lifes, figure studies, and landscapes.

Chaplin shows regularly, notably with WHATIFTHEWORLD in Cape Town and No Man’s Art Gallery in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

We have not offered any works by Mia Chaplin at auction

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