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Michele Rolstone

South Africa 1986- 

Michele Rostone graduated from Michaelis School for Fine Art at the University of Cape Town in 2010. She opened the first African branch of Dr Sketchy’s Anti Art School (part of an international brand of burlesque life drawing events) and worked as a printmaker at Judy Woodborne’s Intaglio Studio. Rolstone was selected to participate in the Artist’s Career Bootcamp, funded by the NAC and facilitated by Art Source South Africa, at the Bag Factory studios in Johannesburg. She now lives in Johannesburg and works from her studio in the artists’ community of August House in city’s CBD.

Rolstone has participated in group exhibitions both locally and abroad. Her prints have been accepted for a number of International Print Exchanges as well as International Printmaking Biennales. One submission was selected for exhibition in Harlem, NYC, and another is now in the collection of the Muzeum Miasta Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego, Poland. In 2020 Rolstone extended her practice to collaborative curatorial projects, the first of which, Incognito Art House was featured on Latitudes Online (2020–2021).

We have not offered any works by Michele Rolstone at auction

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