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Mmangaliso Nzuza

South African 1998- 

South African painter Mmangaliso Nzuza was born in 1998 in Empangeni, KwaZulu Natal. After completing his MA (Hons) in Government, Policy, and Society at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Nzuzu returned to South Africa in 2022 to pursue art. A Cape Town-based artist, he focuses on large-scale oil paintings that explore themes of community and subjectivity. His work, influenced by personal history and popular culture, features angular, fragmented figures inspired by Cubist abstraction. In his works, Nzuza uses bold brushstrokes and impasto techniques to convey depth and movement.

Nzuza has participated in 1-54 London and New York City, The Armory Show in New York City, Enter Art Fair in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Investec Cape Town Art Fair. He has also shown in group exhibitions at The Gallery Society in Edinburg and the Pretoria Art Museum. Nzuza’s first solo exhibition, An Open Letter, at Southern Guild Cape Town ran from 29 August to 7 November 2024.

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