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Mr Brainwash

French 1966- 

Thierry Guetta, whose professional moniker is Mr Brainwash, is a French-born artist who has been based in Los Angeles since he was a teenager. He previously owned a vintage clothing store and was an amateur videographer who became fascinated by street art in 1999 after discovering the secret identity of his cousin, the anonymous French street artist Invader. He filmed Invader at work and, upon returning to the States, Guetta found a new subject in Shepard Fairey and eventually met the elusive Banksy. It was soon after this meeting that Guetta began creating his own art, a combination of street art and pop art, and assumed the pseudonym of Mr Brainwash. His successful 2008 debut exhibition titled Life is Beautiful became the focus of the Oscar-nominated Banksy documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) and his popularity grew. He has held numerous exhibitions including pop-ups at Art Basel Miami, created commemorative 9/11 murals in New York City, and entered into creative partnerships with Coca-Cola and Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee. Madonna, Rick Ross, and Kygo have each commissioned him to create album covers and his work can be seen in the TV shows Billions, Shameless, and The Kardashians.

43 lots offered      72.09% sold      ZAR 2 780 601

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Mr Brainwash; Life is Beautiful
13 Nov 2017
Sold for ZAR 204 624
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Mr Brainwash; Marilyn
5 Jun 2017
Sold for ZAR 39 788
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Mr Brainwash; Kate Moss
5 Jun 2017
ZAR 150 000 - 200 000
Mr Brainwash; Miles Davis
7 Nov 2016
Sold for ZAR 22 736
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Mr Brainwash; Spray Cans, three
7 Nov 2016
Sold for ZAR 28 420
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Mr Brainwash; Spraycans
23 May 2016
Sold for ZAR 28 420
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Mr Brainwash; Life is Beautiful
9 Nov 2015
Sold for ZAR 96 628
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT

Results in green indicate post sales.