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Patrick Rulore

South African 1995- 

Patrick Rulore (b. 1995, Johannesburg) is a South African artist who completed his National Diploma in Fine and Applied Arts from Tshwane University of Technology in 2021. His current work focuses on his Stage Four Moments series, which captures intimate moments in South African households during power outages, or “load shedding”. While load shedding disrupts daily life, Rulore seeks to highlight the rare moments of human connection that emerge when families gather around alternative light sources, such as candles or mobile phones.

Inspired by his own family’s experiences, Rulore creates tableaux-like scenes that emphasize the human figure, tonalities, and light. His work draws influence from European Baroque and Romantic masters like Caravaggio, as well as South African artists such as George Pemba and Johannes Phokela. Working on a large scale, Rulore uses chiaroscuro to explore the complexities of light and shadow, symbolizing themes of love, peace, togetherness, and human connection. His paintings also address the role of technology, particularly smartphones, as sources of light, identity, and social interaction during these moments of “darkness”.

Rulore’s work is held in the collections of national institutions, and he continues to explore themes of contemporary social events, freedom, and the transformative power of technology in his art.

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