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Paul Sekete

South African 1957-2010 

Nako Paulus Sekete, known as Paul Sekete, was a self-trained artist who worked both as a painter and sculptor. Sekete was born in Ficksburg in the Orange Free State and worked as a miner before joining the Katlehong Art Centre. Using elongation, distortion and disproportionate scale, Sekete depicted the human form in a variety of media including oil and acrylic, linocut, woodcut, clay and wood. A small number of his sculptures were cast in bronze in Guy du Toit’s Pretoria studio. His first solo exhibition of terracotta and bronze sculptures was held at Gallery 21 in Johannesburg in 1990.

Sekete exhibited regularly between 1990 and 2009 in South Africa, Namibia and in the United States of America.

We have not offered any works by Paul Sekete at auction

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