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Paul Wallington

South African 1993- 

Paul Wallington received a Bachelor of Fine Art (Hons) from the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, in 2019. He works predominantly with oil paint. His earlier work drew inspiration from South African literature and poetry, and his paintings mirrored many of the issues which dominated stories coming out of a transforming South Africa. More recently his work has focused on the inner workings of his studio, finding inspiration in the debris of magazines, films, books or collages. This mess of pop cultural references are consumed, digested and regurgitated onto the canvas, changing its form and meaning. Wallington is interested in the relationship between fiction and reality and the ways in which transposing an image onto the canvas creates new possibilities with different meanings. His paintings have strong visual links to artists such as Francis Bacon and Francisco Goya.

The artist lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa.

We have not offered any works by Paul Wallington at auction

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