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Pierre-Auguste Renoir

French 1841-1919 

Pierre-Auguste Renoir was a prominent French artist celebrated for his Impressionist work. Born in Limoges to a modest family, he relocated to Paris in 1845. Despite financial constraints, Renoir nurtured dreams of becoming an artist. In 1869, he secured a spot at the École des Beaux-Arts, forming close friendships with fellow artists Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, and Frederic Bazille. Initially, Renoir drew inspiration from Gustave’s dark palette, gradually embracing Impressionism, which encouraged painting en plein air and focusing on light and form.

Renoir grappled with financial hardships until the late 1870s when his portrait of Madame Charpentier garnered acclaim. A fortuitous meeting with patron Paul Bérard further propelled his career. However, a creative crisis prompted him to reevaluate his artistic direction, aiming to meld French painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’ precision with the use of vibrant colours. In the late 1880s, Renoir’s health deteriorated due to arthritis, yet his artistic spirit endured. In 1906, he settled in Cagnes-Sur-Mer in the south of France, where he ventured into sculpture with the assistance of others. His later works often featured solitary female figures, frequently painted directly from models. Renoir remains a beloved artist. His enchanting Impressionist paintings continue to captivate and inspire art enthusiasts worldwide.

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