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Pierre Volschenk

South African 1926- 

Pierre Volschenk is a South African artist born in 1926. He earned his Master of Fine Arts degree in 1965 and later his PhD in 1972, both from the University of Pretoria. He served as the Senior Art Inspector in the Administration of Coloured Affairs in Cape Town before becoming a professor and head of the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Durban-Westville (now part of the University of KwaZulu-Natal). He retired in 1986. Volschenk painted landscapes and street scenes in oils and watercolours. However, he was also a sculptor, mostly of portraits. One of his most well-known commissions was done for Stellenbosch University of Dr Danie Craven and his dog, Bliksem. The bronze sculpture was unveiled in 1995 and stands on the university's sports grounds.

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