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Rirhandzu Makhubele

South African 1990- 

Rirhandzu Makhubele (b.1990, Giyani) is a South African artist known for her work in ceramics and sculpture. She grew up in a close-knit family in Limpopo, where the sense of community and
connection strongly influenced her artistic sensibility. Makhubele’s formal art journey began at Tshwane University of Technology, where she earned diplomas in fine arts (2019) and advanced fine
arts (2020), majoring in 3-dimensional studies.

Her art draws from personal experiences and the rich cultural traditions of her upbringing, often exploring themes of identity, community, and the natural world. Through her work, Makhubele
engages with the African symbolism of masks, viewing faces as vessels of multiple identities and histories. She states, “Masks are not merely objects of art but profound symbols of identity, spirituality, and social roles.” Her creations, inspired by African mask traditions, challenge viewers to look beyond the surface and explore the layers of meaning within.

We have not offered any works by Rirhandzu Makhubele at auction

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