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Roberto Vaccaro

South African 1991- 

Roberto is a South African artist who resides within the Garden Route region of the Western Cape. He is inspired by his surroundings, with his artworks paying homage to nature and its unspoken relation to humanity. Discarded oddments of metal are the medium of choice, as Roberto pursues a career encouraged by his family, more specifically his grandfather, Vincenzo Vaccaro, a fellow sculptor.

Time spent with his grandfather ignited Roberto’s interest in working with metal and the two embarked on a mentorship, through which Roberto honed his sculpting skills. His late father, Dr. Vittorio Vaccaro, created a base for Roberto’s understanding of art and philosophy.

In 2013, Vaccaro received a scholarship to study at Michaelis Fine Arts School at the University of Cape Town. After which Vaccaro exhibited extensively across South Africa, through platforms such as the George Botanical Gardens, the George Arts and Crafts Showcase, the Old Biscuit Mill in Cape Town, Landmark Foundation’s 10th Anniversary in Cape Town, Glen Wood House, the Grahamstown Arts Festival, Buzzard Heights Groot Brakrivier, the KKNK in Oudtshoorn, as well as, with Candice Berman Gallery in Johannesburg.

We have not offered any works by Roberto Vaccaro at auction

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