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Sally Scott

Zimbabwean/South African 1954- 

Sally Scott is a South African landscape painter, textile artist and teacher. Born in Zimbabwe in 1954, she spent most of her youth on a remote cattle ranch in Nyanga, in the Eastern Highlands bordering Mozambique. This early childhood experience laid the foundation for Scott’s interest in the natural world. Her fascination with nature grew and developed when the family moved to Botswana, and she had regular access to the arid Kalahari and the waterways of the Okavango Delta.

Scott studied at the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg) and the University of Zimbabwe. After teaching in Zimbabwe for several years, she relocated to South Africa, and in 2000 settled in Grahamstown (Makhanda), where the arid Eastern Cape inspired the chalk pastel landscapes and aloe paintings for which she is so well known.

Scott is an active member of the fibre art community and has exhibited her work extensively, winning several major awards.

In addition to her paintings and fibre art, Scott is also a dedicated teacher who shares her enthusiasm and skill with her numerous students, who attend weekly classes in the artist’s studio and online.

We have not offered any works by Sally Scott at auction

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