
From Albert Adams to Portia Zvavahera, Strauss & Co maintains a detailed database of every artist sold at auction since 2009. Whether it is painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, ceramics or new media, this searchable database lists by artist every lot offered and provides aggregated data useful to collectors. Famous South African artists like William Kentridge, JH Pierneef, Alexis Preller and Irma Stern are introduced with helpful biographies along with the best contemporary artists.

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Samuel Swaratlhe

“I Samuel Swaratlhe I’m a professional artist who specializes in expressionism, figures, portraits and still live. I grew up in Northwest province in south Africa, I’ve been an introvert since my childhood, and spend lot of time my time drawing. I am I self-tout visual artist, as I have dropped out of high school, I couldn’t go study visual arts, but I didn’t give up on my art. As I matured in life, through struggles I’ve faced, I came to realised that art is not about money, but I pass a message to viewer, I believe as humans we came in this world to achieve something greater than live to work, eat, sleep, make money etc...” “In most of my artworks I try to pass my gnosis throw expressionism realism, i apply a principle of gender in colour and lines in my expressionism, my goal is for viewer to realise this gnosis and evolve in consciousness. I’m a professional artist who specializes in expressionism, figures, portraits and still live. I grew up in Northwest province in South Africa, I’ve been an introvert since my childhood, and spend lot of time my time drawing.”

We have not offered any works by Samuel Swaratlhe at auction

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