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Sandile Radebe

South African 1978- 

Radebe’s work is centred around text, language and other writing systems. His process is therefore influenced by the process of reading, accumulating and retaining information. He reflects on his everyday encounter with language, in its varying forms, to see it anew. He achieves this through manipulating the form of text through exaggeration and/or through translating into other mediums. Balance, harmony and complimentary colour are some of the aesthetic devices he uses to achieve this. Based in Johannesburg, Radebe completed a BA Fine Arts (Honours) in 2006 at Wits School of the Arts and in 2009 studied for a PGDA in Arts and Cultural Management at the same institution. A solo exhibition, A Walk in the City, was held in 2014 at the School of the Arts. He has participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs with the most recent being Spier Light Art Festival (2022), The Cape Town International Art Fair (2022), Poetic Land Art Exhibition in Stellenbosch (2021) and Cubicle Art Series at Everard Read Cape Town (2018). Radebe has executed several public art commissions from 2003 to date. 2019 saw him part of a team involved with painting the largest mural in South Africa on Louis Botha Road for the Johannesburg Road Agency facilitated by the Trinity Session. He recently completed a life-size bronze sculpture commission for RMA offices in Johannesburg (2021).

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