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Simphiwe Ndzube

South African 1990- 

Born in Cape Town in 1990, Simphiwe Nzube completed his BFA at the Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town in 2015. Working in mixed media, his paintings are an interplay between three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional surfaces, exploring the experiences of black lives in post-apartheid South Africa from a mythological perspective, depicting his own imagined fantasy world.

Ndzube has had numerous solo exhibitions both locally and abroad and has completed a number of prestigious residencies. His work is included in public collections such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (USA); Musée d’art Contemporain de Lyon (France); Iziko South African National Gallery and Zeitz MOCAA (Cape Town); Denver Art Museum (USA); and the Rubell Museum (Miami).

We have not offered any works by Simphiwe Ndzube at auction

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