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Solomon Mugutso

Zimbabwean 1978- 

Solomon Mugutso is a Johannesburg-based Zimbabwean-born visual artist. His work is inspired by the environment, personal experiences, and diverse individuals he has encountered. Mugutso’s art focuses on African stories that relay messages of hope and unity. His preferred medium is sand, which he collects from the different places he visits and combines into one painting; a comment on the interconnectedness of life as a whole. Mugutso has exhibited in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Sweden, recently at the group exhibition AIR curated by the Alliance Française in March 2021.

2 lots offered      50.00% sold      ZAR 35 175

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Solomon Mugutso; The Mask
8 May 2023
Sold for ZAR 35 175
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Solomon Mugutso; The Mask
22 Sep 2021
ZAR 60 000 - 80 000